Innocence to Excellence I2E
Our strategic development program is encapsulated within the highly commended ‘Innocence to Excellence’ framework. The program challenges and defines core competencies within our business to meet objectives and aligns operating procedures and behaviours to be the best in practice. We assess and monitor key disciplines within 12 monthly defined targets. This enables our processes to be maintained to the highest standard and showcases an excellent comprehensive and ‘working’ quality management system. Systemically, this raises the skill contributions by our employees and enhances performance within our learning organisation.
Achieving our business KPI’s and performing exceptionally to deliver OTIF (On Time In Full), our daily practice and primary care closely monitors the SQDCP communication boards to enhance employee engagement at each part of the business.
Weekly updates
The innocence to excellence program is initiated on an annual basis to achieve our budgetary objectives.
It is a policy deployment tool, known in lean circles as Hoshin Kanri or Strategy Deployment, and is a technique for ensuring that our organization’s strategic goals and objectives drive activities.
We agree on common projects that achieve a continuous improvement by way of setting SMART objectives within a six week plan and measuring achievements reviewing agreed KPI’s weekly.
I2E Continuous Improvement Project Examples
One of our key productivity improvement projects over the last year and continuing through to the future is that we strive to optimise our manufacturing uptime. A key project launched was to improve our offline engineering support to enable a successful production launch.
Example of projects include:
Manufacturing strategy

Step 1
Engaging with a global tooling supplier to agree cutting strategy

Step 2
Simulating the cutting process to prove the machining cycle time and process

Step 3
Provided a high level of confidence in capability and cost control
Programming excellence
Allows our engineering team to prepare designs for manufacturability earlier in the development cycle using simulation modelling. Manufacturing tasks that had to wait until a design was complete can now be performed concurrently with the design process. An example of our collaborative design/manufacture programming excellence at Helander.